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Monday, August 9, 2010


The Davao Regional Hospital is in need of a computer-literacy team to prepare DRH employees for the inevitable and essential DRH upgrade through computer technology. Hiring a team of already established computer instructors is an option. However, DRH itself is blessed to have current employees who may be able to handle the job. A single screening session may be enough to identify the appropriate members of the literacy team.

The Hospital Operations and Management Information System; (HOMIS) will soon be launched. It is composed of a variety of programs that will ease-up hospital operations and patient management. The best way to prepare DRH is to activate the proposed Information Technology Training Center in Davao Regional Hospital the soonest time possible.

The extent of the preliminary computer operation instructions that will be rendered by the newly organized computer-literacy team will depend on the launch date of the first program of HOMIS. The first HOMIS component / program that will be activated is the Ward Module. The said program will serve as the ultimate solution to problems pertaining to hospital charges and patient data management. (Please refer to Ward Module Objectives and Guidelines for details).Basic computer operation may be taught prior to the actual operation of the first HOMIS component if time permits. This is to maximize the transfer of knowledge during each instruction session and to prevent re-instruction of basic computer operation whenever another HOMIS component will be introduced.

In case of shortage of time, the instructors shall study the Ward Module and identify the basic computer operations that are necessary in the actual operation or manipulation of the said HOMIS program. Immediately after each instruction session the end-users shall be able to startup the computer, launch HOMIS, activate Ward Module, input correct data, save files, retrieve files, identify problems and solutions, exit HOMIS safely, shutdown the computer safely, and know who to call when problems arise.

Aside from the ever reliable and functional IHOMP of DRH, the computer-literacy team may be composed of representatives from the key departments of DRH such as the administrative, medical, nursing, laboratory, and ancillary departments in order to facilitate a more effective transfer of knowledge. This strategy will also take into account the advantage brought about by immersion to the key areas of DRH. The employees who are immersed in the clinical and special areas for quite some time will be able to identify the problems encountered by DRH employees that can be solved with the utilization of computer technology. They will also be able to contribute to the development of HOMIS programs and other simple solutions to the said problems through information technology. One example of the said simple solutions would be the Virtual Kardex. The developer of the said program aims to eliminate the traditional method of end-of-shift-reports among nurses and facilitate a better and faster endorsement of patients and patient management to ensure a more efficient continuity of patient care. Virtual Kardex is still in the development and enhancement stage and is now open for evaluation and trial. The other key departments of DRH may have been experiencing problems and are thinking of ways to eliminate the said problems through information technology. Now is the right time to develop and enhance solutions that can possibly be incorporated in the very efficient DRH informatics tool that is…HOMIS.

